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Engineering Technology Advising for the Fall 2022 semester will occur during March 14-25th.  You must sign up for an appointment with your advisor.  Advisor schedules are posted starting March 1, 2022, on the bulletin board outside the ENGT office. (Rougeou Hall, Room 255)

You will need to bring the following to your advising appointment:

     ♦ Your folder
     ♦ A blue academic advising form, fill out the top section with the following information:
                           Last name, First name, CLID-ULID
                           Bulletin in Effect (i.e. 2011-2013, 2013-2015 etc.)
                           Upper Division or Junior Division?
                           Major (ITEC)
                           Home phone and cell phone
                           Hours you work each week
     ♦ A pen or a pencil
If you are a graduating senior, you must advise with Dr. Houston, ITEC Department Head.

Forms and folders can be obtained from the ITEC Administrative Assistant in Rougeou Hall, Room 255.

Please be on time for your appointment.  Advisors will be on a tight schedule during advising and if you are late, you may lose your time slot.  Please be prepared for your advising appointment by being knowledgeable about the courses you have left to take and any pre-requisites that are required.

If you do not have a faculty advisor listed on ULink, you should contact the ITEC Administrative Assistant in Rougeou Hall, Room 255.  Ms. Molly can be reached by email at or by phone at 337-482-6968.

Problems with Advising?
If you have work or class conflicts with advising times and would like to discuss the problem, please go to CLR 255 and request to meet with the ITEC Department Head, Dr. Shelton Houston. Leave your name, phone number and email address. Dr. Houston will contact you to set up a meeting. You may also email him at to arrange a meeting.

Academic Success Center
UL Lafayette recognizes that academic advising is a critical component of the educational experience and success of its undergraduate students. The Academic Success Center (Lee Hall, Rm. 115) is an excellent resource for academic support services, and a place to start if you have a question and do not know where to find the answer.